MANY people would love to gain some media exposure, but struggle with the angle for their press release. The more unique your idea, the better your success. Just announcing you’re launching a business or blog isn’t news – unless it’s something incredibly unique.

There are many ideas out there. Here are 10 to get your started:

  1. Keep abreast of the news and be prepared to put yourself forward if a topic ties into your business or blog. You can release a statement with your viewpoint on the news item. For example, statistics have revealed there are now more mummy businesses than women in boardroom positions. This is a perfect opportunity for a mummy business owner to discuss why she chose her own business over the boardroom.
  2. Put a poll on your website or blog or set up a survey. If you gain a significant number of responses to your question, use those results to craft a media release revealing the results.
  3. Host a major charity event or raise a large amount of money through the product you’re selling and donate it to a worthy cause.
  4. If you’re selected to appear or speak at a national event, it’s a great opportunity to promote yourself. Just make sure the event organiser is comfortable with this.
  5. Use the skills you have to create a free class or demonstration for your local community. This allows you the opportunity for a preview story and coverage on the day.
  6. Enter yourself into state, national and international awards. If you win, it’s an opportunity to gain media exposure. The bigger the award, the greater the chance of a story.
  7. A new product release. Just make sure the product is, again, unique.
  8. You’re mentioned in someone’s book, an international publication (magazine, newspaper etc) or featured on national television. Just be careful to avoid approaching media outlets about how you appeared in a rival publication – ie, don’t approach a Fairfax newspaper about how you appeared in a News Ltd paper.
  9. Someone famous is photographed with your product, mentions it in an interview or comments on your blog. With the web making the world a much smaller place, don’t rule this out.
  10. If you receive a grant, scholarship or are selected for an overseas study tour. Local media love championing their own.

This week is the final in the Media Room series here on Three Li’l Princesses. However, don’t despair, the series is now continued on the new Mum PR site dedicated to helping bloggers, small business owners and other organisations pitch their stories, brand or product to the media.

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10 Responses to MEDIA: 10 reasons to issue a press release

  1. Jane says:

    I really like the idea of No. 5. I’ve thought about doing this before, but never thought about getting publicity for it. Thanks for this list.

  2. Torkona says:

    new site huh? killer..

    picking a name, be unique but not long winded. something that pops and easy for folks to remember, and easy for you to constantly type.


    ahhhahahaha not sure why i’m laughing at that hehehe.

    • Kel says:

      LOL! Thanks Tork. 🙂
      Yes, was anticipating setting up a PR website and business at the end of the year, but it seems life has other plans. Already I’ve had a few jobs, so I thought it was better to jump in now. Looking forward to it!!!

      • Torkona says:

        with launching a website as a source of income rather than a hobby, from experience all I can say is, research like a muthafugger 🙂

        i’ve been there and failed dismally, actually.. i read should post about it one day.. I hope it works out for you! if you need exposure one day, you’ll have to let us know..!

        – tork

        • Kel says:

          Thanks for the tips, Tork. I certainly will do. And also thanks for the offer of exposure.
          It will be built around blog posts on how businesses and bloggers can write and submit their your own press release, but with the opportunity for people to pay for the service if they don’t want to tackle it themselves.
          I’d really love to read that post about how you went too, Tork – what you did, how you did it, what you’d do differently etc. As you already know, you learn as much from failing as you do from success. Thanks again. 🙂

  3. ooooh very exciting! I’ve enjoyed your media room posts so it’ll be nice to see them expanded out 😀

  4. katepickle says:

    this is such awesome helpful information… thanks so much for sharing! Off to read more of your media room posts now!

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