THE past month I’ve been taking part in Naomi from Seven Cherubs’ Happiness Project. The idea was each day to record and write one sentence on what has made me feel happy or grateful during that day.

What do you think? Do I have much to be grateful for? Well, a tidy house, at least.

Picnic in the park

April 10: After a total two hours sleep last night, I was thankful for an afternoon nap.

April 11: Playing finger puppets with Pinky the Elephant, who masterfully got Ella dressed, fed and hair done without pain for childcare today.

April 12: The house is tidy.

Apirl 13: It’s days like these I’m extra glad I started blogging – wearing the most gorgeous pair of shoes and organising a super huge giveaway with the company who made them.

April 14: Watched Ella play with her two Sydney cousins who she doesn’t see very often.

April 15: Apparently, my poor li’l bubba is hungry, which is why she won’t settle to sleep and wakes hourly. Thank heavens for my child health nurse.

April 16: Picnic at the park with good food, my wonderful family on the most gorgeous Autumn day. Bliss.

April 17: The house… clean.

April 16:  Was asked today: “do you know I really, really love you, mama?’’. Nothing beats that.

April 17: Landed another PR job – such a wonderful feeling.

April 19:  Won a Minnie Masquerade DVD from Caz at The Truth About Mummy – am Ella’s best friend at the moment. Hehe!

April 20:   Enjoyed five minutes of peace with a cup of Chai Station chai tea. Wish for more moments like these.

April 21: Glad to hear a spark in my brother’s voice after ringing him for his birthday. Poor bugger witnessed something rather traumatic last week.

April 22: Watching Ella playing chasings with her Sydney cousin, who she hasn’t seen in a long time.

April 23: Eating hubby’s Choccie Hot Cross Bun and Butter Pudding (probably won’t be so grateful for this later on).

April 24: Easter. Chocolate. Now that’s pure happiness.

April 25: The house is tidy. For a while, at least.

April 26: Ella made me a bracelet out of pipe cleaners and beads. So thoughtful.

April 27: Feeling inspired (and extremely chuffed) after reading a beautiful email from a reader about my blog writing.

April 28: Three and four-hour lots of sleep last night. It’s been a long, long time.

April 29:  Had a fabulous time at the Royal Wedding Pyjama Part-ay and met the loveliest bunch of mums. Haven’t laughed that hard in ages.

April 30: Having my hair done… finally. Goodbye silver highlights; hello younger woman.

May 1: I can see the laundry floor.

May 2: Went to the doctor to discover Baby Holly’s arm (which looks as if it’s dislocated) should be fine.

May 3: Scored the most incredible media interviews for one of my clients today. So thrilled.

May 4: Loving this clean house today.

May 5: Just bought a new car (Nissan Dualis Ti – hopefully) with someone else’s money.

May 6: Love watching the Bloke in The Shed play with the girls on his first day of holidays.

May 7: Got out of the house.

May 8: Ella and the Bloke in The Shed made me a fruit platter with “drizzled’’ chocolate for Mother’s Day breakfast. It looked more like poo on a plate! Love the effort though.

May 9: Had a wonderful chat to Alli from Motivating Mum and feel extremely inspired about starting the PR blog/business.

May 10: Reading through my Happiness Project 30-day task I realise I have so much to be happy about and grateful for. Blessed am I. (Oh, and so grateful to Naomi for letting me take part).

What moment made you happy today?

Read more from The Happiness Project.

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25 Responses to FEATURE: Happiness Project

  1. Mandy Ferry says:

    Got to love a little pipe cleaner bracelet! Nice project wasn’t it.

    • Kel says:

      Yes, I loved doing this project, Mandy. Made me realise how great my life really is!
      The pipe cleaner bracelet would rival anything made by Tiffany!! 😉

  2. What a great list! Lots of things in there made me smile too 🙂

  3. Tat says:

    The kids stayed over at grandma’s with my husband and I had the first full night sleep in a very long time. That definitely makes me very very happy, even though I miss them.

    A tidy house is a great thing to be happy about. Unfortunately, it doesn’t get tidy by itself. So I’d better get onto it.

    • Kel says:

      Oh, that sounds like heaven, Tat. Exactly what I need right now (as long as they can be at the foot of my bed when I wake – at 10am!).
      Hope the house cleaning went well. Still waiting for the cleaning fairy to arrive here….. 🙂

  4. Naomi Ellis says:

    This is just beautiful. Your experiences reminded me so much of when my cherubs were young. Being sleep deprived and busy it is so easy to forget the small lovely gifts that are there each day. I so loved the mention of finger puppets, shoes, poo on a plate and how having a clean house made you feel happy. Thanks so much for taking part in this project. A wonderful insight into your home and family. Naomi x

    • Kel says:

      Thanks Naomi. I so enjoyed this one – each day brought with it something completely different to be grateful for. I think I need to do this challenge again during those times when life appears monotonous and uneventful! xx

  5. Caz says:

    That’s just lovely kellie – so much to be happy about in your life. Thou the 2 hours sleep one…….not so sure about that 🙂

  6. felicity says:

    What a wonderful list of things to be happy for! I can totally relate to the house being clean (for a while) and the how happy I feel when I can see the laundry floor! haha! xo

    • Kel says:

      Funny how the smallest things make us so happy. Hehe!! If only you could clean the house and it would stay that way!! One day, when I can afford a full-time housekeeper……. 😉

  7. Lene says:

    Hi! Having a lovely time reading all The Happiness Project posts by all you lovely bloggers. Having a clean house makes me extremely happy too – not that it happens very often! Can also relate to the sleep issue, my darling has just turned two and still doesn’t sleep through the night…sigh!

    • Kel says:

      Oh, you poor thing, Lene. That’s tough enduring sleep deprivation for that long. I really do feel for you.
      Our eldest Ella gave me my first sleep through at nine months, so I’m hoping I’m only two months away from my first full night of sleep with Baby Holly. Fingers crossed…. 😉
      Hope your sleep situation improves soon.

  8. Shelley says:

    I’m so with you on the clean house thing. Isn’t it funny how it can actually make us happy? I always feel on top of everything when the house is in order. xx

    • Kel says:

      Oh yes, Shelley!! My stress levels seem to go up when the house is messy. It drives me batty! I am (slowly) getting better at accepting a (slightly) messy house! 😉

  9. Suz says:

    Beautiful list. It’s amazing how much is there when we actually go looking for it isn’t it? Thanks for visiting me at Segovia too 🙂

    • Kel says:

      So true, Suz. It’s making me look at the little things in life a little differently now. 🙂
      Really enjoyed your site, Suz.

  10. Alicia says:

    I loved your list! And I have to agree with you and everyone else – a clean house is bliss!

  11. Martine says:

    Great list! I could never mention anything about tidy house as I am in the middle of packing it all up for some renovations which is rather excrutiating……but on the positive side when I have a bigger house with room for all the people and possessions then hopefully it will be tidy all the time (or quite a lot of the time!)

    • Kel says:

      Oh, renovations are always rather challenging! But at least there’s a big positive at the end – a bigger house. Now that’s something to be grateful for.
      I’m sure you’re counting down the days till that clean and tidy house!! LOL! 🙂

  12. Great list and love some of the things you found that make you happy. Actually I once kept an entire blog with a list like that – it certainly helps you realise life isn’t so bad! And thanks for taking part in Not A Ballerina’s Weekend Wanderings.

    • Kel says:

      What a fabulous idea, Amanda. I love the sound of a whole blog full of happiness!
      I found it such a great exercise. Even on the most frustrating of days, there was always something positive to seek out.
      BTW, love your meme. Such a great idea! 🙂

  13. […] readers may remember the Happiness Project I took part in, courtesy of Naomi from Seven Cherubs. She’s now started another project, this […]

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