LAST month we welcomed adorable twins into our home. What? You missed that news? So you don’t remember this Zhu-rrific good time?
This is Zhu Zhu Pets Zhu-Leopard and Zhu-Zebra. They’re part of the newly released Zhu-Fari range.
Let me introduce you to them.
Zhu-Leopard: She’s the sweeter of the two. She makes little cat noises and is always happy to rub up against your leg when you’re cooking dinner… then scoots off again in another direction, before doing a 360 and returning to your leg again. Yes, just a little clingy is our Zhu-Leopard.
Zhu-Zebra: He’s the boisterous one and also Princess Ella’s favourite. In turn, he’s always looking out for her (see photo). Most likely because they have similar personality traits – they’re noisy (cue: galloping horse-like noises before he takes off), won’t sit still and if there’s a door open, they’re off exploring before you even realise they’re gone. I did find him in the pantry the other day trying to sniff out the cupcakes.
They also came with their own little habitats. Although, they do tend to encroach on ours more often than not. Particularly the kitchen, as you’ll see:
There were plenty of giggles as the pair catapulted off the end of the ramp. Yes, this was an obsession for a while there. Poor pets!
Further laughter was had when one of them went around in circles and couldn’t get out of the jungle roundabout.
Again, poor pets. Although, after watching this video, you’ll be saying “poor mum”.
Ella’s favourite part is the little green and purple worms. They’re placed into the top of the tree and, with the help of a lever, come out a hole at the bottom.
With Christmas fast approaching, they’re an ideal gift for children 3 years-plus looking for their own “pet’’. And much cheaper. They’ve been voted Australian Toy of the Year Winner for Girls, but the range also caters for boys, with Ninja Zhu Zhus. They’re small, about the size of a real hamster, similar in weight and are easy to use – press the cute paw back button and away they go. They’re fast, so just watch out.
The noise factor can irritate some parents. However, the fact they make my girls giggle, makes me happy. And I find the noises quite cute, with the decibel level not piercing. So I don’t have a problem with them. NOTE: To turn them off, press the back buttons or the nose a second time.
The only other issue is the wheels can play havoc if they come anywhere near little girls’ hair, so heed the warning on the side of the box.
Lastly, the duo are from a good breed: here’s the rest of the Zhu-fari tribe:
The Zhu Zhu Pets retail for $20 each and the accessories range in price. They are available at Target, Kmart, Big W, Toys R Us and all major toy retailers.
To go in the draw to win TWO fabulous Zhu Zhu accessories and TWO of the wonderful furry critters, leave a comment telling us what gets your children excited at the moment (toys, food, music, TV, sport?). The giveaway closes Sunday, October 2 at 7pm and a winner will be drawn randomly and announced on this blog and via Facebook and Twitter. Australian residents only. Limit of three entries.
Want extra entries? Then here’s how you can up your chances in the draw. Each task is worth one extra entry, but must be included as a separate comment (or it won’t count).
- Click the Facebook button below and share this giveaway with your Facebook friends. Then leave a separate comment saying something along the lines of “I’ve shared this on Facebook’’.
- Click the Twitter button below and share this giveaway with your Twitter followers (Twitter handle is @ThreeLil). Then leave a separate comment saying something along the lines of “I’ve shared this on Twitter’’.
**DISCLAIMER: I am an ambassador for the Zhu-fari range. I received two Zhu Zhu pets and two accessories for review. All opinions expressed are purely my own.

Hosted by Three Lil Princesses and Tina Gray {dot} Me
Bananas. So rare, so valuable – I bought one each for them recently, and they actually went into raptures, doing odd little happy dances!
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I’ve shared on twitter @ mjellyicus
My 6yo has just discovered the Spice Girls and wants to listen to them all the time 🙂 It is kind of cute, especially when she watches the movies and tries to copy the dance moves..
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As my youngest child is 17, I am entering for my grand children. I can tell you that Silence and an uninterrupted cup of tea makes my daughter very excited 😉
And I have shared this on twitter as well 🙂
I’ve only just dipped my toe into the zhu zhu pet waters (Amy’s birthday tomorrow)! But she gets more excited about baking with me (eeek) and collecting eggs.
Follow on twitter @Gizmomum and have tweeted
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Music and wii
My youngest boy 17 months gets so excited when he hears the theme song for Hi 5. He can be in any room of the house and will come running when he hears it. Miss 3 gets excited when she hears the phone ring because she gets to talk to her nanny and poppy and also her grandad on the phone every week
my eldest kids get excited when its time to help feed the animals. Especially the horses and the pigs!/beejay_61/status/110165795195207681
It’s Minnie Mouse that gets Miss 3 excited at the moment! Everytime I watch Clubhouse Disney with her on TV, she will always excited scream “Miiimiiiii!” (incorrect pronunciation but hey, she’ll learn right?). We also have a Minnie Mouse plushie that is her favourite out of all her soft toys. But hey if she likes mice, I’m sure she could make way for some Zhu Zhu loving!
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Now a days my son is loving TIMES TABLES = FUN, its a cd by ABC . Even though my son is very small for learning the tables but he is a big fan of the music.
Ooops, forgot to do the entry question first lol. See what happens when you’re distracted by kids going “show us the video mummy, what is it’ – so you can tell we don’t have any zhu zhu pets in our house yet.
What excites my kids? Giving gifts. Today is fathers day and they’ve been asking constantly, can we give daddy his present yet, how about now, is today too early, please can we just give it to him anyway? We went to a birthday party yesterday and all week my eldest asked if she could give her friend his present yet, the excitement was just too much lol
tweeted the giveaway on twitter..
My kids favourite thing at the moment is baking and mums peanut butter chocolate chip cookies….they always come running when they can smell the freshly bakes scent.
Shared on facebook too!!
My girls are such girls. It’s funny I always thought they’d be tom-boys with three older brothers. They got super excited when I took their party dresses and shoes out of the cupboard for them to wear to an engagement party we had to go to.
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My two girls love Minecraft and Let’s Dance on the Wii. They have one Zhu Zhu pet each and they sleep with them at night.
Tweeted @mjgraham
Facebooked 🙂
Food and toys gets my 4 year old excited the most I always get greeted ‘oh thanks mum for thinking of me’ and a massive exciting smile and eagerness that I have to smother him with kisses because I find it adoreable, but then again he must know that and that’s why hes do it all the time!
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My child is currently excited about knitting of all things!!!! Finger knitting, French knitting, Knitting Nancy and traditional. We have her “projects’ all over the house 🙂
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I shared this on twitter 🙂
My kids get super excited about music, particularly the Goyte song. You should see them when that song comes on at the moment
Our baby boy is crazy about his feet at the moment and his cousins. He loves watching them play and is eager to join in soon.
Ok I’ll enter this in the hope of winning this for my daughter’s birthday present.
At the moment though her favourite toys are her barbies/cheap knock-offs. She loves dressing and undressing them and putting their heels on and earrings. She’s such a girly girl 😛
And I tweeted 🙂
And I FB’d 🙂
Zhu Zhu pets! Miss 8, Mr 10 AND the toy poodle loves them and they giggle for hours. Otherwise, real animals. Our pets, which include a few real guinea pigs! I’ve also tweeted
Hearing our electronic garage door go up gets my 13 month old twin boys VERY excited. This signals that Dad is about to walk in the door, home from work and ready for cuddles!
My girls would so love this! They’re a little Zhu Zhu mad!! What get’s them excited. Chocolate (given) Chips (given) dancing and getting rides on the scooter with Daddy!!
have tweeted
Mister Maker gets my boys excited. They love doing craft.
Shared on FB as Chon ky
Maisie, 6, is currently obsessed with… home renovation shows. Obviously this has nothing to do with my own obsession with home renovation shows… She went into mourning when The Block finished, and now has The Renovators series-linked on Foxtel so she can watch it when she gets home from school. Quite a leap from Dora to renovating 🙂
Also, I shared this on Twitter!
I took my 3 1/2 daughter shopping the other day and she grabbed my hand with excitment and said look mum ‘glass slippers’ just like cinderella ($2.99 plastic shoes from chickenfeed)!! And she hasn’t stopped wearing them – lol
We recently introduced our girls (aged 4 and 6) to Bohemian Rhapsody. Daddy head-banging while playing a wild air guitar had them in raptures, and they now request encores on a far too regular basis for poor Daddy, who almost killed himself with the effort of it all.
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Have posted to Facebook….
At the moment my little man is super excited by ANY music at all. Starts dancing and singing all around the place. It’s very cute!!
When ever the Aston sees me get a Heinz baby fruit bar from the cupboard he squeals and does a little dance which is so cute!
My kids get excited by climbing trees and tying things up with ropes!
This week I brought my kids tick tock biscuits I don’t think I’ve ever seen them that excited!!!! Even pop was excited reminding him of his childhood… I wasn’t aware they had been around that long ;o
shared on fb also:)
Both my girls (2 and 4) get so excited to see each other after a day at kinder apart. So adorable
Emily gets excited when it’s a daycare day! She loves “School” lol. Jessica gets excited to see Mummy when she’s just woken up 🙂
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Shared on Twitter @LandLilPrincess
food, my daughter loves meal times and wants what we are having, she also has a thing for paper at the moment, putting anything paper like in her mouth, and the show “Warrawhy” thats on channel ten in the mornings. Oh and her ted ted 🙂
shared on facebook also 🙂
My boys go crazy each time the phone rings…..Its been driving me crazy and when they hear me say goodbye on the phone they both start yelling “Bye Bye” as well lol
Shared on Twitter:!/Candy3181/status/113943061633044480
My six year old daughter gets excited when we say we are going to funbugs (our local playcentre) because she has so much fun there and usually gets a treat to eat after playing 🙂
shared on facebook also !
Definitely Justin Bieber. She gets so excited every time without fail!
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Retweeted on Twitter too!
CrashGirl is in love with her My Little Pony which is kind of cool as I remember them from my childhood! She doesn’t know what a ZhuZhu pet is yet, actually nor did I? Where have I been????
junk food
Discovering all the wonderful things in the rock pools by the beach Close by , now its getting Warmer – Shared on FB & Twitter
I just met my first Zhu Zhu pet last week! Today my 4yo got excited about playing in the paddling pool in the back yard.
The sunshine! Down to the beach to get rid of our winter-ness!!
“I Love You Because You’re You” story book is an absolute favourite in our house at the moment!
Olive will always get excited by the next TV show that comes on. If I’m in another room, she will scream “Mummy – it’s [enter TV show name here]!!!” and keep screaming out until I go “That’s great Olive!” Chocolate treats and walks to the park also seem to have a similar excitement factor.
Also shared on all three of my Facebook pages! Zhu-rrific!
My toddler gets excited by The Wiggles at the moment, as soon as he sees them he gets very excited and starts dancing. It is really cute to see.
Smiles, a broad grin is all it takes to set my nephew off into an even wider grin of his own. He positively beams and bubbles at the same time and it is a circle completed by my own which sets him off again!! It is great fun to be around this 6 month old darling.
Our Charlie 6 is obsessed with TV ads, she makes everyone buy a certain washing detergent and wants to send food and water to starving kids. It goes to show advertising for adults is also getting kids attention.
My daughter recently had her birthday and got some Zhu Zhu pets as presents.So I’d have to say that these little critters are making her pretty excited at the moment. 🙂
My girls get very excited about tickles!
My kids get excited when they hear Kendra going (Kendra is my Kenwood Kitchen Appliance) they know then that something tasty is going to come from the kitchen, perhaps a cookie batch, a cake mix or even some lasagne 93 of their favourite things to eat!)
shared on FB
I’ve shared on Twitter!/Leimaycherry/status/117801389094223873
I’ve shared on FB too
My oldest daughter is totally obssesed with Squinkies, She only has a few but loves them she has found a little house we already had and has hours of fun pretending with them <3 (4Yo)
Shared on facebook <3
My son currently gets excited about playing with the remote control cars with his Daddy when he gets home from work, the Wot Wots, Mister Maker and his Grug books.
I’ve shared this on Twitter @ShinyGlitterBug
The kids are loving Junior Masterchef at the moment, which is great they can cook me dinner for a change!!!
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Have twitted 🙂
thanks for a chance.
Mister Maker is “the” squeal inducing thing of the moment for my kids – it could definitely be worse! But, if Matilda was to be presented with a Zhu Zhu pet I think that might just top Mister Maker for her!
Have shared on Facebook via the My Home Truths page.
Have tweeted via @KirstyRussell
We have three of these but are one short. My littlest girl would love her own; they get her pretty excited!
At the moment my girls get excited about chocolate frogs, Dora, Fairies and anything princesses.
My little man is getting pretty excited by his new pet fish. He and daddy set up a tank and he gets excited to check on them every morning when he gets up to see how they’re going and if they’re doing any new tricks.
DINOSAURS!! My 4 year old is mad about them.. My kids are excited by most things, especially ice-cream!!
Have shared on Facebook 🙂
Have tweeted @oozzle
My little Miss gets soooo excited throwing around a little ball made from alfoil for our cat to chase – he’s about 8 now and I haven’t seen him move so fast for years – she squeals and giggles because it’s so funny!
Guess it would be kinda the same with a little Zhu Zhu pet skittering around the floor, wouldn’t it!
Junior Masterchef, chocolate mousse and My Little Pony
I’ve shared this on facebook. I love these Zhu Zhus.
Mini Me loves Peppa Pig at the moment and gets so excited when it is on. We got her a Peppa Pig shirt which she is very proud of! I think she would get pretty excited if the postie delivered her some Zhu Zhu Pets. She wanted the Zebra one out of all of them on the fold out info sheet
My kids are excited about planting our spring seeds and seedlings.
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having their Daddy home after he was away for 10 weeks for work!
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shared on Twitter!
At our house, its all about cars at the moment!
GREAT review, chick, if I don’t win these I think I’ll look into buying one (or two) for the Princess, as she has a birthday right after Christmas (YEAH, awesome planning there, NOT)
She is currently very excited by craft. And given my own obsession, I doubt it’s just a phase. She adores glue and tape and paper and pens and staples and bling and flowers and colouring and punches and stamps and the list goes on and on and on….
…. just like her mama! 🙂
The wildlife in the garden, really going to muss those sights and sounds when we move back up Melbourne 🙁
Octonauts get Miss 3 so excited that she yells out every time “My show is on Mummy, come watch”.
Plus, I shared on Facebook 🙂
Toys! Right now its maccas happy meal toys!
ive also shared on twitter
[…] a LOT of work. Either that or the bin. It’s based on the adventures of Ella’s two Zhu Zhu pets and. at the moment, it is a well read story here. So I thought I’d share it with […]
[…] · 36 Comments /* */ IT SEEMS these little critters (a leopard and a zebra from the Zhu Zhu pets new Zhu-fari range, for those who aren’t quite up with the land of Zhu Zhus) have to go everywhere with us. […]