I can finally let the cat out of the bag…

This li’l ol’ blog is playing a part in hosting the Mum Blogging Masterclass next Monday from 2pm to 4.30pm.

Mum Blogging Masterclass

It doesn’t matter whether you can get to the University of Tasmania’s Cradle Coast Campus in Burnie on Monday or not, because we’ll be live blogging from the event right here on Three Li’l Princesses and UTas will be tweeting from its account @UTASCradleCoast.

Here’s how the afternoon will pan out:

2.15‐3.00pm: A session from myself and and ConectPink Editor Angela Carey on how blogging, Twitter and ConnectPink can act as a catalyst for social inclusion through the creation of social networks.

It’s an opportunity for those who struggle with BookFace and Tweeter to experience firsthand the benefits of blogging and social media. It’s about assisting those mums who find themselves staying at home most days on how to better communicate with the outside world. As mums, we all have a limit on how many times a toddler can ask you the groundbreaking question: “but why?”.

As I have said before, it takes a village to raise a child. Problem is, nowadays we barely know our own neighbours and our parents are working later into life. Those networks we once relied on aren’t there. This is where blogging, Facebook and Twitter have enabled mums to feel reconnected and supported. They no longer feel a sense of isolation and loneliness. Especially when bub is crying at 2am and you don’t know what the heck to do – there is nearly always someone in the same situation online eager to help. The neighbours are generally not quite as nice at 2am!

It can also be an avenue to professional support, educational opportunities, stepping back into the workforce or even starting your own business (and yes, I am proof of that).

3 – 3.30pm: Afternoon tea break ‐ mingle, chat and relax. Well, I probably won’t be!

3.30 – 4.30pm: A “chat room” on education and training opportunities, child and maternal health and access to government services. This will be a roundtable style discussion on the need for people to get professional advice and not just `‘rely on the internet’’. Do NOT Google what that small lump on your toe is. Trust me! Eight community service providers and the all-female Tasmanian ALP Senate team are confirmed to attend to provide insights into these three areas.

That’s right, you have direct access to all these people to ask questions and put forward ideas on things that matter to you as a mum.

If you can’t be there, follow and contribute to the sessions on  www.threelilprincesses.com and on Twitter via @UTASCradleCoast and the #mumblog Twitter hashtag.

You’re more than welcome to leave comments here, email me on kellie (at) threelilprincesses (dot) com to ask a question anonymously or head to the blog on the day and post your comments as part of the live blog discussion.

Learn more about starting a blog.

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8 Responses to Come join the Mum Blogging Masterclass

  1. CJ Wunsch says:

    What are the chances of getting an event like this happening in Hobart someday? I think it’s a brilliant idea!

    • Kel says:

      I’ll make sure to pass on your comments, CJ. I’d be more than happy to head South and do a similar thing again. I could talk about social media and blogging all day! This was instigated by the Tasmanian ALP Senate team, so I’m not sure what their plans are for next time they visit Hobart together. It would be great to get this out to other areas though. 🙂

    • Thanks CJ. I will pass this onto my friend Julie Collins, Minister for Women and Member for Franklin about getting this going in the South. Great to hear you are happy to head South Kel!

  2. Catherine Archer says:

    Hi Kellie

    Would love to chat with you. I am doing my PhD on mums and blogging (through UWA in Perth). The seminar sounds great. I hope I can email to discuss further.

    Catherine Archer

    • Kel says:

      Thanks the comment, Catherine. Please, feel free to send me an email at kellie (at) threelilprincesses (dot) com or just click on the “Contact” page. I’m more than happy to chat further. We’ll be live blogging the event here on Monday, so hopefully that will enable you to still feel part of it! 🙂

  3. […] Comment A couple of weeks ago I was approached by the Tasmanian ALP Senate team to help host Mum Blogging MasterClass – and I jumped at the chance. The masterclass will be a forum-style event aimed at mums to be […]

  4. […] By Kel On August 31, 2012 · Leave a Comment At 7.20am I’m speaking about the Mum Blogging Masterclass on ABC Radio, so I thought it fitting I have a post on blogging today. I wanted it to be of mammoth […]

  5. […] as Three Li’l Princesses, the University of Tasmania Cradle Coast Campus and ConnectPink host the Mum Blogging Masterclass on Monday from 2-4.30pm. It’s a chance for those of you who want to learn about how to start a […]

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