THE O’Brien house is filled with books. Every room has a book or bookshelf of some sort. There’s even a book over there in the middle of the kitchen floor at the moment (must pick that up in a minute).
Now that Ella is three, she’s looking for more advanced stories. She likes her big thick book of fairytales (Jack and the Beanstalk is her fave) and her Winnie the Pooh chapter book. It’s meant the rule of three or four books at bedtime has had to be cut to one or two, otherwise we’d be reading ‘til midnight.
Despite Ella becoming a “big girl’’ and wanting to take over the reading role (more on that in a later post), we’re discovering all those baby books Ella so loved once again through Baby Holly.
Following on from Top 10 Aussie kids TV shows and how they’re affecting your child, here’s my list for Top eight infant books:
Where is the Green Sheep? – For some time Ella believed my blue knitting yarn came from a blue sheep, the green from a green sheep, the red from a red sheep etc. Hmm.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar – If you eat a lollypop, ice cream cone, chocolate cake and cherry pie you may just turn into a beautiful butterfly. Sorry darling, try hippopotamus.
Dear Zoo – Learnt she can have a camel as a pet, if she so wishes. However, it’s likely to be just as grumpy as mum. Mum, on the other hand, scored the cute little puppy dog. Or was that the naughty monkey?
Dr Seuss series – Apart from speaking in rhymes and riddles (if she wasn’t already) she has, on one occasion, requested green eggs for dinner. I refrained from getting out the food colouring.
Peepo – Mickey Mouse existed in the olden days, but didn’t quite look as shiny as he does on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (check out the toy box in the kitchen).
Spot (the dog) series – If you’ve lost something, it’s more than likely hiding under a flap.
My First Book of Nursery Songs (illustrated by the rather talented Trace Moroney) – Her mum is one damn fine singer. OK, maybe not! But we can dream, can’t we?
Each Peach Pear Plum – There’s no need to panic if her baby sister’s cradle gets shot out of a tree and she ends up drifting down a river.
So, what books are the top reads in your house? Is there a book you suggest we introduce Baby Holly to?
We love “Where is the Green Sheep” here too. I used to read “Each Peach Pear Plum” to my son every day when he was little. Then he destroyed it (like toddlers do) so I’ll have to buy it again to read to my daughter.
I love the Mr McGee and Hairy Macleary series’ of books.
Oh, Ella loves the Mr McGee books too, Tracy. She’s also started reading the Hairy Macleary books at child care, so I might have to go out and get that series for her! Might be a good Easter present! 🙂