This photo was taken while on the way to the library to pick up a book on social media this week.
What will they think of next? Stick figure car stickers for every member of the family? Heaven help us if that ever happens.
And now I’ve got that out of my system, it’s giveaway time. The same rules apply as always – click the links and start entering if you’re a reader.
If you’re a blogger or business wanting to take part in the Aussie Giveaway Linkup:
- Only link directly to the giveaway post/s and include the prize and end date in the linky tool below. Link each giveaway separately. If you need to delete it, hover over your link, wait until the red “x’’ appears and click.
- Giveaways must be open to Australian residents.
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- A new list is added each Sunday so bloggers need to add their links weekly.
- Start entering the giveaways! Entry is at your own risk. We do not take responsibility for unfulfilled prizes or a blogger/business not abiding by their own terms and conditions.

Hosted by Three Lil Princesses

Hosted by Three Lil Princesses
Oh gosh Kel! Could you imagine one for the whole family! Did you see the story during the week about the guy who said he will quit smoking if he get 100,000 likers to his “Quit Smoking Page” Not sure what exactly he will do with 100,000 fans….
Very interesting, Kym. Exactly: what do you do with those 100,000 fans? Maybe if you could get 100,000 to all quit smoking together and support each other through a Facebook page, then you’d have a great story.
The only positive I can see from what he’s doing is that he’s spreading the quit smoking message, which is a good thing.
I am back…Happy New year:)
Happy New Year to you too, Marthese. Hope it’s a good one! 🙂
Love your giveaways! Great way to start the week off 🙂
Aww, thanks Lisa. Some great things linked up again this week! 🙂
Oh I hate those stick figure families so much!!
Hehe!! I bet they’ve made a huge amount of money from those things. Every second car seems to have them. 🙂