Highlights from Mother’s Day week (I know it’s a day, but I’m making it into a week!):
- I got caught eating Ella’s Humpty Dumpty Easter egg. Come on, I was desperate for chocolate. To avoid the tears, I promised any Mother’s Day chocolates I received she could share. The next morning, while telling her how I couldn’t wait for Sunday’s sleep in, breakfast in bed and dinner out, Ella piped up with: “And don’t forget, you’ve got to give me some of your chocolate fudge we bought you?’’ She then turned pale. “Oops, I wasn’t meant to tell you that, was I?’’. Ah, probably not!
- And how cute is Cinderella, all dressed up and ready for the ball… or the disco, at least. Her first school disco and a handbag full of money ($5 can look like a lot when it comes in change).
Do you already know what you’re getting for Mother’s Day? Are your kids good with keeping secrets?
Now, onto this week’s Australian competitions and giveaways…
Aussie Giveaway Linkup instructions:
If you’re a blogger or business wanting to take part in the Aussie Giveaway Linkup:
1. Only link directly to the giveaway post/s and include the prize and end date in the linky tool below. Link each giveaway separately. If you need to delete it, hover over your link, wait until the red “x’’ appears and click.
2. Giveaways must be open to Australian residents and be run by Australian-based bloggers or businesses.
3. Grab the button below to add to your post.
4. A new list is added each Sunday so bloggers need to add their links weekly.
5. Start entering the giveaways! Entry is at your own risk. We do not take responsibility for unfulfilled prizes or a blogger/business not abiding by their own terms and conditions.

Hosted by Three Lil Princesses
My gift #1 from my son (school stall) has been sitting in the kitchen pantry for a week. It’s well-wrapped and well-hidden. His handmade one that he made is wrapped and has been sitting on the dining room table for a while. Whenever I walk by I want to have a looksee. lol
Hehe!! The temptation is so great, Rhonda. I can’t believe he had them in plain view and didn’t spill the beans. Good on him!
I hope you ended up having a great day. x
Gosh she is far too cute!! And yeah I have eaten many Chocolate Easter Eggs over my time…I LOVE chocolate.
This year I didn’t want gifts, I just wanted peace and Quiet with my boys….and I got it in the morning and nearly had it in the afternoon! Then we had to go out and about – our boys tried to be good but there is only so much they can take being in a car for the day.
I wanted “time” with my sons, and I am grateful that I was able to spend a couple of hours with them all 🙂
That’s interesting, Lisa, because I wrote a post for Million Dollar Woman last week about how mums don’t want materials things but instead want a sleep-in, some time to do their own thing and then quality time with the family. I think it’s so true – the things we took for granted pre-kids become so important once kids come along!
It sounds like you had a perfect day! x
Finally remembering to link up! Have a great week.
Thanks for linking up! I’m loving the variety of links this week! 🙂