This week I turned a loss into a fabulous win!
On Wednesday night I had a board meeting at 5.30pm. Julian was running late getting home to do the swap over with the girls. He raced in the door at 5.25pm and waved his hands at me, with a ”quick, the car’s still running. Go! ‘
I took off for the board meeting, getting there just in time. I turned the car off and then searched for the keys. The Nissan Dualis doesn’t require the keys to be in the ignition for it to start. They just need to be close by. Usually they’re in the console. This time, they weren’t.
I rang Julian. ”Quick. Where did you put the keys?”
Silence. Then: ”Umm… In my pocket”
So, there I was… I couldn’t lock the car. I couldn’t restart the car.
Thank goodness I hadn’t stalled at the traffic lights on the way to the meeting.
But the story is not over. Oh no. I found a way to make this whole scenario work for me.
The following night Julian’s Rotary Club had a Christmas in July Partner’s Night. During the night, they have a ”fine session” which involves dobbing club members in for silly things they may have done. They then pay a gold coin fine, which is all part of the club’s fundraising efforts. I can tell you, they raise a lot of money.
During the dinner, the corporal encouraged the wives to share fine-able stories.
Of course, a little story about a car and a set of keys couldn’t be ignored. How could I pass that opportunity up?
Have you ever been stuck without car keys?
Now, onto this week’s Aussie Giveaway Linkup…
Aussie Giveaway Linkup instructions:
If you’re a blogger or business wanting to take part in the Aussie Giveaway Linkup:
1. Only link directly to the giveaway post/s and include the prize and end date in the linky tool below. Link each giveaway separately. If you need to delete it, hover over your link, wait until the red “x’’ appears and click.
2. Giveaways must be open to Australian residents and be run by Australian-based bloggers or businesses.
3. Grab the button below to add to your post.
4. A new list is added each Sunday so bloggers need to add their links weekly.
5. Start entering the giveaways! Entry is at your own risk. We do not take responsibility for unfulfilled prizes or a blogger/business not abiding by their own terms and conditions.

Hosted by Three Lil Princesses