The girls have been particularly “challenging” this week. I could write that sentence in a completely different way, but we’ll leave it at that.
Despite that, there were a few funny moments though. Including this one:
Sitting in the bathroom getting her PJs on after a bath, Ella begins to do Julian’s hair, sweeping it all to one side with a brush.
Ella: “Look, Dad. You look like Justin Bieber.’’
Julian: Looks suspiciously at Ella.
Ella: “You do, Dad. You look just like Justin Beiber.’’
Julian: “Does the rest of me look like Justin Beiber?’’
Ella: “Yeah, you do, Dad. Except Justin’s got blue eyes and you have a funny green colour.’’
Julian: “Hmmm…’’
Ella: “Mum, why are you laughing so much?’’
Now, onto this week’s Aussie Giveaway Linkup…
Aussie Giveaway Linkup instructions:
If you’re a blogger or business wanting to take part in the Aussie Giveaway Linkup:
1. Only link directly to the giveaway post/s and include the prize and end date in the linky tool below. Link each giveaway separately. If you need to delete it, hover over your link, wait until the red “x’’ appears and click.
2. Giveaways must be open to Australian residents and be run by Australian-based bloggers or businesses.
3. Grab the button below to add to your post.
4. A new list is added each Sunday so bloggers need to add their links weekly.
5. Start entering the giveaways! Entry is at your own risk. We do not take responsibility for unfulfilled prizes or a blogger/business not abiding by their own terms and conditions.

Hosted by Three Lil Princesses