The Bloke in The Shed with Baby Holly

I MARRIED a crier. Not just the high-pitched cry you hear accompanying your name because a spider is in the kitchen. That happens, yes.  And not just the victory cry when Collingwood make it into yet another grand final. That whimpering sound in the background is usually me. And not just the cry when he kicks his toe on Ella’s train set… again.

He’s a full-on emotional, tears streaming down the face kinda crier. Usually, complete with sobbing.

The topic was brought up the other night on Twitter. Tina from tinagray{dot}me tweeted she was watching Love Actually – one of my all-time fave movies. It prompted me to tweet how I’d coincidentally just mentioned the movie in Julian’s submission for Reservoir Dad’s Mentally Sexy Dad Competition. You see, Julian cried in Love Actually – all five times he watched it. Tina then tweeted how her hubs cried during The Notebook. But shhh, she didn’t tell us that, OK?

Then Kym, from Mumma’s Mini Mes, added how the only time her hubby had cried was in their wedding and birth of their Mini Mes. “Tough country bloke’’, she said, followed by an “lol’’. I assured her he cries – just on the inside.

Next, Lisa from Hey Hoe Warren dobbed in her Dad. “I’ll nominate my dad, Kellie… he cries watching TV commercials! Such a softy. Lol’’ Now, if it’s the Fred Hollows ad (you know, In 1993 Australia lost a friend, a husband, a father), then I can understand. If it’s the Oz Zoot Reviews ads, then he’s got a problem.

Lastly, Kelley from Magneto Bold Too chimed in with: “My husband cries during Grey’s Anatomy. I WIN!’’ Yes, Kelley. Yes, you do. Our men don’t hold a candle to yours.

It got me thinking about all the times The Bloke in The Shed has cried. I started a list, but the paper wasn’t long enough. So I thought I’d just mention a few highlights. He cried:

  • During the birth of the girls, Ella and Holly. There were also quite a lot of tears trying to get to the hospital on time with Ella.
  • Numerous movies – Love Actually, Juno and Shankshaw Redemption. Well, that last scene was a real tear jerker.
  • The video of Ella’s first year. I always know when he’s clicked on the link, because I start hearing slow breathing, followed by little snorts and then a grab for the tissues.
  • The blog post Love you to the moon and back. See above.

But we wouldn’t have him any other way.

What’s your hubby or partner like? Is he in touch with his emotional side or is he too man enough for that whimpy stuff?

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34 Responses to FEATURE: Do real men cry?

  1. Elisha Squire says:

    My hubby doesnt sob – but he is a big crier ! and Yup he has cried in Greys Anatomy many times, even times when i havent, and im like “seriously? wtf Jim” haha, obviously some things touch him where clearly i just think he is a sook! He cries in movies too – he has seen 8 seconds 100000 times and still cries like a baby – and the Guardian gets him EVERY time too ! Just recently he watched MY GIRL with our 10 year old and i walked out at the crucial time ( that movie just breaks me now i have children ) and he sobbed his heart out on the couch – it was so sweet ! and good for our daughter to see the softer side of Dad.

    • Kel says:

      Oh dear, all these men crying in Grey’s Anatomy!! hehe!! Julian’s obviously watching something on the other channel at that time. 🙂
      Totally agree that it’s healthy for our children to see their dad’s cry. Times have certainly changed.

  2. Toni says:

    My man got a bit misty-eyed at The Notebook, and at the birth of our son (first child) but the only time I’ve seen him really cry was when we lost a baby.
    He just isn’t a crier.

    • Kel says:

      Oh Toni, I think even the hardest of men would be brought to tears over that. Julian even teared up over your story. He was a mess after reading it.
      Love hearing what effect The Notebook is having over all these men too. 🙂

  3. I wish my husband would cry! But no in the 12 years I have known him I have only seen him cry a few times and it was about big things. But he does get a look and I know he is crying on the inside 🙂

    • Kel says:

      Oh yes, I know “the look”. Hehe! I love that you can recognise when he’s crying on the inside! And here he is thinking he’s hiding it so well!! LOL! 🙂

  4. My hubs cries. Especially in movies – the Notebook and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button had tears streaming down his face.
    He even tears up watching Master Chef..

    • Kel says:

      LOL! Love the MasterChef comment. That’s classic. Mind you, there’s been some real heart wrenching stuff this season! 🙂

  5. LisaW says:

    hahaha…no its not the Zoot review…although some of those ads are very moving. lol. Do you remember those ads for Telecom when the little boy talks to the granddad? My Dad would get sooky every single time. You should see him watch home renovation shows…get the Kleenex ready.

    • Kel says:

      LOL! Oh yes, they were real hit-you-in-the-heart type of ads. Definitely can relate to that! Home renovations shows? Hmmm, not so sure!! hehe!! 😉

  6. I have never seen my fella cry. I dont know if he just isn’t into showing his emotion that way, or he does it in private so I dont laugh at him, or what.
    I want to see him cry though, because I do the Ugly Cry (snot, splotchy cheeks and all) and I need to know he looks worse than me!

    • Kel says:

      LOL!! Oh Kellie, that’s just brilliant. I do that funny sobbing noise and, once it starts, I can’t stop it! It can go for an hour after I’ve finished crying.
      Judging by all the comments so far, I’m thinking you need to get him to watch The Notebook!! Worth a try!! 😉

  7. Apparently it’s my fault that my husband cries. He tells everyone that he was tough and heartless until he met me and I softened him up. 🙂

    • Kel says:

      LOL!! That’s brilliant, Tina. I love the power we weild over these men!! If only it worked on getting them to do the ironing more often. Oh wait, he already does ALL the ironing! 😉

  8. Great post Kel! I love my toughy hehe but aww I love a softie too 🙂

  9. melanie w says:

    So my theory is its a myth that men dont cry or maybe its just that todays men are more secure with their feeling they just dont have to put up a macho front anymore most men i know or have known cry at one time or another they are only human after all.

    • Kel says:

      Too true, Melanie. Makes you wonder when that switch happened though, doesn’t it. My Dad has never been a crier. So what year did it suddenly become acceptable for blokes to shed a tear or two? Hmmm…. Some research is needed! 🙂

  10. Melissa says:

    Joel cries. He cries at news stories about children. He cries at suffering. he cries rarely in movies, but I think once or twice. he cried when our sons were born, and when we lost 3 babies.

    He cried when my mother died, and when he reads the things I write about her loss.

    • Kel says:

      Oh Melissa, what a big heart he must have. There’s something comforting in “seeing” that your hubby or partner is feeling the same things as you during those challenging moments in life. xx

  11. Kirsty says:

    My husband doesn’t cry a lot but when he does it makes me cry too. Every. Single. Time. Visiting from the Weekend Rewind, enjoy your weekend!

  12. Mandy says:

    My husband doesn’t cry so when he does I know it’s serious. Wish he did though then I wouldn’t feel like such a tool crying through movies.

    • Kel says:

      Hehe!! That’s too funny, Mandy. I always have to do the sneaky tissue grab during movies! Although, with my loud sobbing, it’s never very sneaky! 🙂

  13. georgi says:

    having neither a husband or partner at the moment (but loving life nonetheless) i can only comment on my dad .. he had a tear in his eye at the end of les choristes – beautiful french movie and there’s a really heart wrenching bit at the end. mum and i were rather touched that dad was a little emotional – i have never otherwise seen him cry. a wise woman once told me that crying was a sign of being in touch with the universe (i went to see her and was having a bad day and just burst into tears) .. i think she’s right though, and i think it applies to men and women equally. x

  14. MultipleMum says:

    The Geege cried at our wedding and his Nan’s funeral. No sentimental tears have been seen since! Not sure I would know what to do with a crier! Thanks for Rewinding x

  15. Shelley says:

    I have seen Mr G cry a few times, usually when he is feeling sentimental, which I love. Even a few conversations over our upcoming wedding have brought a couple of tears to his eyes, but lovely ones. I think he’s more likely to cry at the registry than me!

  16. SaucyB says:

    omg my husband is a crier too. I’ve got one for you. Here in the U.S. there is a public service announcement commercial that the American Society for the Protection of Animals puts out. It’s 60 seconds of images of dogs and kitties who look sick and starving accompanied by Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel.” We are both blubbering messes each time that commercial comes on. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
    p.s. Love Actually is one of my all time fave movies. I’ve watched it so many times and still cry when he professes his love with the cue cards.

    • Kel says:

      Awww, that’s gorgeous. Those sorts of ads are really heartwrenching. Although, I must admit, anytime I hear “Angel” I’m a blubbering mess – even without the puppies and kittens! Her voice is so haunting. 😉
      And oh yes, that scene is my absolute fave! It gets me every time! x

  17. Tat says:

    My husband normally cries after a fight (one of those that go for a few days) when he’s trying to make up, but I am not letting him have it very easy.

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