I KNOW that you now know that I have a pretty clever li’l princess. And I don’t mean the part about her knowing how to whistle to attract my attention. Although, that is pretty darn clever.

Princess Ella, at the tender age of 3.5 years, has taught me to sign. Surprisingly, we’re still talking to each other – and not just in Auslan.

If you didn’t visit yesterday and have no idea what I’m talking about, let me recap. Ella’s child carer has taught her to do sign language, including: “how are you?’’ and “good, thank you’’; along with “mummy/daddy/brother/sister, I love you’’. Plus, there’s the little addition of me teaching her to sign “stinky breath’’. You never know when you might need that one.

She’s also managed to learn the majority of the nursery rhyme The Owl and the Pussy Cat, which is no mean feat considering I can barely get past the first two lines in the spoken form.

It leads me to the things I know this week:

  • If you want to learn a bit of Auslan, my daughter is the person to teach you.
  • Our kids are beginning to outsmart us in so many areas and that scares me.
  • Every time I turn the video on, loud and boisterous Ella suddenly turns shy.

I’m linking up with Shae from Yay For Home as part of Things I Know. Click on the button to read some other great things you should know.

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25 Responses to Are our kids outsmarting us?

  1. […] PHOTO: The world’s greatest mystery Are our kids outsmarting us? […]

  2. Grace says:

    Stinky breath – love it ! You’ll be using that one a lot more than you’ll bargain for 🙂

  3. pixie says:

    oh for sure in our house……….my 3 girls are all gifted and I am often overwhelmed by them!!!

  4. Hello!
    she is way too cute!!!

  5. Shae says:

    Love the video! Tannah is really interested in Auslan and it counts as a language Other Than English for her home ed Key Learning Areas.

  6. Caz says:

    She is still way to cute!! And yes clever. You can look forward to more when she starts school/kinder next year. My middle pink has learnt Yoga (which she very good at) and sign language this year. They have sure revved it up from my days of finger painting 🙂

    • Kel says:

      That’s fab that they’re teaching sign language in school too, Caz. I really hope they do at Ella’s school. I’d love to see her continue with it. And yoga. How cool!
      They certainly have come a long way. I think finger painting was as good as it got at our school too! hehe! 🙂

  7. So awesome, love the vid <3

    Kids are amazing 🙂

  8. Very cute! Yes, isn’t it amazing what our kids teach us?!

  9. Daisy says:

    She is so cute! And so clever!! SO SO SO clever! Wow!

  10. nellbe says:

    I am totally ok with our kids outsmarting us. I love that she is learning sign language. With a deaf parent and deaf friends I think its something we all should know. My son learns Auslan at primary school – how cool is that? It is a compulsory subject too, I really wish I had learnt it earlier in life.

    • Kel says:

      I love that they’re learning it in primary school. That’s great. I’m really hoping Ella’s school continue with it. I’d hate her to lose that skill. Especially when she’s picking it up so quickly. I’m the same – really wish I’d learnt it earlier in life.

  11. She’s such a clever one! Watch out Kel! She’ll be keeping you on your toes!

    • Kel says:

      Haha! She is too clever, Becky. And yes, I think you might be right about her keeping me on my toes – if she’s not already! 😉

  12. Sara says:

    that is so cool! Clever girl 🙂 and clever mum for teaching stinky breath! 😉

  13. Mother Duck says:

    I agree, my kids are definitely smarter than us! My two year old is already operating the television and choosing from her own dvd’s what she wants to watch. She is constantly trying to steal my iphone and knows how to navigate her way around it.

    I’m extremely impressed that your little girl is learning to sign!

    • Kel says:

      Oh, I so relate to the iPhone comment. Hubby has one and it seems Ella knows how to work it better than I do! Scary! 🙂

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